Shannon Bester is a Kinesiologist, Certified Health Coach, Health Dowser, and Animal Healer.

Since completing his Kinesiology studies in London in 2015, he has assisted numerous clients from around the world to achieve their healing objectives. Whether it’s guiding individuals towards optimal physical well-being, providing health coaching to enhance overall wellness, utilising dowsing techniques to identify and address energetic imbalances, or extending his healing abilities to animals, he is dedicated to helping clients on their journey to complete wellness.

Causative Healing and Kinesiology
Kinesiology enables personalised healing that targets the root cause of health problems, whether physiological, psychological or energetic. Additionally, before health issues arise, it can proactively be used as a preventative health aid to ensure a balanced energy system and promote general health & wellbeing.

Causative Healing is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which asserts that our well being is dependent on the balanced flow of energy around our systems. The body constantly fields stresses that disturb healthy balance e.g. trauma, stress, allergens, negative thinking or long-term unhappiness. When the body’s energy systems balance is restored, it gets to work and generates healing.

Animal Healing
Animal treatments work very similarly to how Kinesiology and dowsing treatments work with humans, using a surrogate to identify the area that needs to be addressed.

Once the area of stress is identified, it is then released and balanced using gentle energy techniques which include holding acupressure points on the meridians, balancing chakras and using Bach Flower essences. Once these issues have been cleared up, it usually opens up the way for any physical ailments to be healed as well.

Animal healing is complementary to veterinary healing. It is a powerful way to help release old traumas, abuse and patterns of negative behaviour.
Energy healing helps the pet recover faster from surgical procedures or medical problems. Animals accept energy healing easily and will usually be very relaxed during and following a session, particularly if sessions are arranged at the animal’s home as this provides a secure and familiar environment.

Through Kinesiology (muscle testing), along with verbal questioning, the Kinesiology practitioner accesses the information field of the body to restore energy balance and, where applicable, identify the causative factors behind a condition.

Once the underlying root cause(s) have been identified, an individual treatment program is designed, providing an optimal way to address health issues, rather than merely managing symptoms. Corrections and balancing might include meridian and chakra balancing, flower essences, supplements, nutrition and lifestyle changes, depending on the needs of the body.

What should you expect from a Kinesiology consultation?
A Kinesiology consultation could take place in practice rooms or as a home visit. If required, Shannon has had success treating clients via telephone or remotely using Skype and Zoom consultations.

A session lasts for between 30 - 60 minutes. During the consultation, clients remain fully clothed. They may be asked to lie down on a therapy couch, or they may sit up. The Kinesiologist will ask the client questions and will monitor their muscle strength as they respond to the questions. This will enable the practitioner to identify what the root triggers are and how to structure the treatment to promote healing.

The healing effects of a Kinesiology session may be immediate, or may take several days before the impact is felt. This is dependent on the individuals ability to re-balance and heal. Generally, the longer a condition has existed, the longer (and more treatments) it will take to treat.

Benefits of a Kinesiology treatment are many and may include:
*​Boost immunity
*​Promote self-healing
*​Reduce stress & restore calmness
*​Overcome fears
*​Release negative thinking pattern
*​Restore mental clarity




+27 (0)72591 8355